How to Create a Dental Plan for a Wedding or Special Event

How to Create a Dental Plan for a Wedding or Special Event

TeamGeneral Dentistry

If you have a big event coming up, such as a wedding or other special celebration, then you are going to want your pearly whites looking their very best. These events always come with photos and memories that are meant to last a lifetime - so, a closed smile will never do. 

Work with your dental team to develop a plan to accomplish all dental work before the big day. Some procedures can be done quickly and easily whereas others require time and more than one visit. 

Starting early is always a great idea. 

6 Months to 1 Year Prior to Event: Consultation

You can plan your timeline all you want, but let’s face it - you are not the dentist. To get all the details about the procedures you are looking for, an estimated cost, and an ideal timeline, schedule a consultation with your dentist. 

During this visit, you can discuss how you feel about your current smile - and what you would like to achieve for your special event. Working together, the proper treatment plan can then be developed. 

1 Year Prior to Event: Invisalign

If you are looking to have straight teeth for your event, then you are going to need to start early for this one. Depending on your situation, Invisalign can take time to reach successful results. 

Most mild to moderate orthodontic issues and teeth straightening can be achieved in several months to a year. And, if for some reason you are still finishing up your treatment when the big day arrives, simply pop out your clear aligners. It’s that simple. 

1 Year Prior to Event: Smile Makeover

Smile makeovers include the use of everything from restorative dentistry to cosmetic dentistry. That means treating issues such as cavities, root canals, chipped teeth, cracked teeth, discolorations, and more. You may need fillings, dental crowns, cosmetic bonding, dental implants, veneers, etc. 

A smile makeover is all about transforming a smile by addressing the functionality of the teeth - and then their appearance. 

Again, it comes down to how much dental work you need to have done - and the time needed to complete each one. Starting early can allow plenty of time. 

3 Months Prior to Event: Veneers

Porcelain veneers can beautify a smile rather easily before a big event. They are made of porcelain shells that allow you to adjust the size, shape, or presentation of your teeth for the long run. For instance, they are great for covering up gaps, discolorations, chips, and the like so that you can feel good about your smile. 

While the process of getting veneers doesn’t take that long, they are custom-made to blend with your natural teeth and this part of the process can take some time. 

2 Months Prior to Event: Professional Dental Cleaning

Have your teeth professionally cleaned at your dentist’s office about 1 to 2 months prior to your event. This will remove surface stains and plaque, as well as tartar deposits. 

1 Month Prior to Event: Teeth Whitening

Finally, just before your event - and after your dental cleaning - you should schedule your teeth whitening treatment. This should only require one office visit and leave you with incredible results shades lighter than what you started with. 

Allow yourself a couple of weeks before the special occasion for the whitened color to settle and even out. 

The dental team at The Smile Architects is highly skilled in all areas of dentistry, especially restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Contact us today to see how we can ensure you have a healthy, beautiful smile in time for your wedding or other big event.